Dish you crave from your abuelaHer appetizer tamales.  She would spend hours upon hours wrapping bite-sized mini tamales with different fillings.  They were always the talk of the party!

Secret ingredient to make a dish pop:  Cilantro.  It’s crazy how many things I put it in.  I just love the flavor.  I add it to salads, sauces, etc.

Favorite Latin restaurant in the U.S.:  Casa Vega [Ed note: We love a little shameless self promotion!] I love Mexican food in general but have never found one that compares.

Favorite Latin restaurant in the world: I love the restaurant at Hotel Bon Sol in Mallorca.  The gazpacho is amazing!

Favorite city to eat: New York City!  There are so many restaurants to choose from that deciding where I eat every day tends to preoccupy me every time I’m there.

Secret to a perfect dinner party: Making dishes that require no cooking once your guests arrive. There is nothing worse than the hostess slaving away in the kitchen while everyone else is having cocktails.

Biggest food indulgence:  Nachos!  We make them at the restaurant with chorizo, cheese, Spanish sauce, sour cream and guacamole.  It’s something that’s definitely a “treat” and not a daily indulgence.

Favorite vegetable:  Cucumbers – I love to snack on them because they are full of hydrating water.  I even make cucumber sticks with ranch for my three little boys. 

Best food memory: Eating at French Laundry in Napa, CA.  It was the most unbelievable restaurant.  The food was outstanding.  It was a true “eating experience.”

Ideal breakfast, lunch and dinner:  Breakfast: An all-fruit smoothie & a big bowl of fruit; Lunch: A vegetarian  Taco Salad with black beans; Dinner: Salad, grilled Carne Asada served with a Spinach & Jalapeno spread and grilled corn. 

Favorite Latin cocktail:  Casa Vega’s Coconut Margarita.  It has all the best elements of a pina colada but the lime juice and tequila mellow out the sweetness.  It is rimmed in toasted coconut… need I say more?

Favorite kitchen gadget: Hand held juicers: They have an enamel surface to prevent the acid from making them yucky. I have all three – green for limes, yellow for lemons and I just recently picked up the orange for oranges.  Fresh citrus juice makes any dish sparkle.

Perfect song to cook to:  Anything by the Foo Fighters! I like to be jamming in the kitchen and Dave Grohl is the nicest guy ever!

Favorite fusion:  I love Asian fusion!! 

Tip for at-home cooks: Clean as you go!  When you finish with a mixing bowl, rinse it off and put it in the dishwasher immediately.  I also keep a sink full of soapy water to place non-dishwasher items in.  So while something is simmering I wash a pot or two.  There is nothing worse than enjoying a great meal only to finish up the evening cleaning the kitchen for hours. And don’t think about going to bed with a dirty kitchen. That’s a true recipe for roaches, rats, etc. – not good!



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