We’re not making this up: a new study shows that vegetarian men are more likely to be depressed than men who eat meat, according to research out of the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom.

The study included almost 10,000 adult men, all who identified as vegan or vegetarian. Researchers found that about 50 percent of vegan men and seven percent of vegetarians had a vitamin B12 deficiency, a deficiency that affects mental health.

The scientists found that the deficiency meant that male vegetarians are twice as likely to develop depression and the longer they were vegan and vegetarian, the more likely they were to develop mental health issues.

Here’s the deal with B12: it’s not produced by the body or by plants, so usually we all get the vitamin from meat. If you don’t eat meat then you’re not getting enough of the vitamin and things could start taking a turn.

But you can easily find B12 vitamins in drug stores and in a variety of supplements. So if you’re a vegetarian or vegan, maybe check in with your doc or a nutritionist to make sure you’re getting everything you need to stay strong and healthy.

We’re ok with the occasional burger. But you do you.  

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