If you thought women were having more vino than men at your last family reunion, you were right. A new study from the U.S. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism revealed that women 60 and older are indulging in binge drinking more than ever. According to CBS, the study conducted by epidemiologist Rosalind Breslow, shows that American women are drinking more each year despite the negative effects of alcohol. 

Binge drinking can severely impact older women’s health, causing diseases and safety issues. “Too much drinking increases your chances of being injured or even killed. Alcohol is a factor in about 60 percent of fatal burn injuries, drownings and homicides; 50 percent of severe trauma injuries and sexual assaults; and 40 percent of fatal motor vehicle crashes, suicides and fatal falls,” Breslow said. In addition, heavy drinkers are at higher risk of heart attacks and high blood pressure. Unfortunately, though, older women are covering their ears to these dangers.

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Researchers don’t know exactly why is the reason for the increase in drinking among older women but they speculate cultural factors such as easier access to alcohol, less stigma in society for women who drink and recent changes in family structure play an important role. They also found that higher consumption is more common on households with an income of $75,000 or higher rather than those with lower incomes.

Whatever the reason, binging can become a serious issue that can lead to many health problems, especially in older folks. Here’s a solution: Swap out abuelita’s usual sangria for a fruity mocktail(Shhh, she’ll never know!)

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