Fill your to-go cup with more than just café con leche: check out this cannabis-infused coffee from Somatik. Yeah, you read that right, marijuana-laced coffee can soon be yours.

The new THC-infused coffee comes to you from artisanal coffee roaster, San Francisco-based Ritual Roasters, and an edibles start up called Somatik. The cold brew comes in single serve bottles and is packed with 15 mg of THC.

The 8-ounce bottle will set you back $12 and is available at the San Francisco locations of the Harvest dispensary, Magnolia Wellness in Oakland, and through the CANNVIS delivery service.

A quick look around the interwebs (thanks Google!), tells us that “casual users” should start with about 10 milligrams of THC and wait it out to see how their body reacts and that marijuana-infused products could take anywhere between 30 minutes and two hours to start taking effect.

According to High Times (that seems reputable, right?), a high from 10 to 25 mgs of THC can last anywhere from four to six hours. All that being said, everyone is different and will be consuming THC in a different context: how old are you? How much do you weigh? Are experienced with THC? What did you have to eat today?

Somatik is no doubt taking advantage of the wave of cannabis-friendly feelings sweeping the nation: 28 states have some kind of medical marijuana provisions in place and a Pew Research Center survey from October 2016 found that 57 percent of Americans believe marijuana should be legalized.

There are already a few weed and coffee concoctions out there, including a special version of Bulletproof Coffee (again, thanks Google!) and a k-cup version from BrewBudz.

So if you’re in San Francisco and are looking for a cup of coffee to help you relax but also wake you up, maybe swing by a dispensary. (Somatik says it has a few more products in the works, like cannabis chocolate covered coffee beans, which should be available later this year.)

Let us know how it goes! 

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