A very, very long time ago, about a year after my husband and I were married, we went through a wedding phase. Every weekend, for that whole year, we had a wedding to attend. Ultimately, we hit the trifecta: a wedding Friday night, Saturday morning, and Saturday night. (Even guests need Sundays for rest.)

We had so many weddings, that sadly, for us, weddings became a social obligatioin, something that we had to do, whether we wanted to or not. It was a burden, until we decided that we could make things a little more fun and started rating the food: we noticed the plating and the quality, we rated the venues, took note of when we wanted seconds and when our food went untouched. 

It was this way that we came to one startling conclusion: wedding soups suck. Most soups were thickened with corn starch and had very little flavor. There were boring, under seasoned, and extremely thick. The only soup I can remember that really blew my mind was a soup made with leeks, potatoes, and a lot of secret ingredients that my young and unexperienced palate could not identify.

To this day, I’m obsessesed with soups, and am still trying to figure out the ingredients in that magical soup. In my search, I have learned other ways to make soup truly comforting and magical. This soup recipe is made with spinach, poblano pepper, and potatoes. It’s creamy, nourishing, and flavorful. Every bite has a spicy kick that surprises the tastebuds and makes you eager for the next greedy slurp. I think it’s even good enough for a wedding. 

Get the recipe.

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