Werewolves are howling, black cats are on the prowl, and witches are dusting off their broomsticks – it’s Halloween! Spooky, scary ghouls and goblins are out and they’re demanding candy. Rise to the occasion with a dark and ominous graveyard… made out of flan! 

All you need is some cookie dirt, candy pumpkins, and your favorite flan or pudding and you’ve got a quick and easy Halloween dessert perfect for any trick or treater. Watch as Evette Rios shows us how to construct this delicious Halloween horror. 

Evette Ríos is a Puerto Rican-born television host, lifestyle expert, cook, writer, and Director of Development at Latina Media Ventures. A former field correspondent on ABC’s The Chew and design contributor on Rachael Ray, Evette now hosts CBS’ Recipe Rehab, wherein she and other celebrity chefs provide healthy alternatives to popular dishes. Her Puerto Rican roots, love of travel, and fond memories of home-cooked meals with her family inspire her culinary interests. She lives in New York with her husband, Stephen, and their dog, cats, and pet dove.

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