Many countries in the world live on coffee. Venezuela is one of them. Coffee marks the beginning of a new day and is enjoyed at all hours as a means of welcoming guests, ending meals, and taking a break. 

Apart from a general cafe grande – large coffee – and cafe pequeño – small coffee, Venezuela has some particular local terms for types of coffee. If you like a watered-down coffee, order a guayoyo. For black coffee you can specify: negro fuerte or negro normal (strong or normal). For those who like coffee with milk: ask for a cafe con leche, and know that if you order a tetero grande (a tetero is a feeding-bottle) you’ll get more milk than coffee. 

Coffee (and milk) may be scarce nowadays due to the economic situation and your best chances of finding it are in the Andes, where the coffee is grown. But normally you’d find coffee in restaurants, coffee shops, and at gas stations, just like in many other countries. However, Venezuela has a unique on-the-go system that doesn’t exist anywhere else in South America: on the road. [pagebreak]

Here vendors don’t stand alongside the road, but literally on the road. When driving in the middle of nowhere you may initially wonder what that dot you see in the far distance is, right on the asphalt. Or in busy areas, you may ask yourself why traffic has come to a standstill. Is there a police check down the road or has there been an accident? No such thing. Most likely it’s a vendor standing on the white line, selling snacks, soft drinks, bottled water and yes, coffee from a thermos.

It is served in tiny cups, costs next to nothing, and the quality may vary from a proper caffeine shot to an insipid, tea-colored liquid. Take your time to drink it on the spot – the cup is too small and the coffee too hot to continue driving. The Venezuelans have a remarkable level of patience. This is not a place to honk your horn; it won’t speed up the process in any way. Just look forward to when your turn comes to stop in the middle of the road to enjoy a cup of joe, and add it to your list of unique travel experiences.

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