You know that sad look on your dog’s face when he sees you eating an ice cream cone on a hot summer day and knows he can’t partake? Well, scrap that guilty feeling, dog owners, because there’s a new breed – pun intended – of ice cream vendor in town.

This summer, dog owners in Mexico City can take their dogs to Don Paletto, a first-of-its-kind ice cream shop that serves ice pops and cones that are especially made for and safety approved for dogs to eat. Mauricio Montoya, Don Paletto’s owner, guarantees the recipes are safe for humans and dogs alike. 

The fun ice cream shop has become popular popular among Chilango dog owners who not only want to feed their dogs well, but also want to enhance their social prospects. (The pups can mix and mingle with other canine connoisseurs of ice cream.)  

The ice cream, playfully named Heladogs, is made of natural yogurt rich in lactobacilli bacteria that helps their digestive system.

For dog owners outside of Mexico City, Purina Frosty Paws or Puppy Scoops is a healthy, dog-friendly – they’re lactose-free – alternative whose flavors include vanilla, carob and maple bacon. 

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