A new study is shedding light on just how influential celebrities’ food choices are on our own health.

The research, conducted by New York University, has found that A-list stars are most likely to be the “face” of food and drink products – more specifically, those that are nutrient-poor and high in sugar and fat.

The study looked at every endorsement between the years 2000 and 2014 and found that 65 celebrities had directly or indirectly advertised for 57 different brands of food and beverage items. Of those products, more than 80% were found to be unhealthy and lacking in nutrients.

To no one’s surprise, soft drinks were the biggest culprit of unhealthy celebrity endorsements. Christina Aguilera, Sofia Vergara, Enrique Iglesias and Mariah Carey are just the Latinos alone who have endorsed soda products such as Pepsi. Though these stars may often opt for a green juice rather than an artificially flavored drink, their name beside the product has lasting, harmful affects on how Americans make their own diet choices.

Sadly, the study found absolutely no celebrity endorsements for fruit, vegetable or whole-grain products. 

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