Picking out the right avocado is a science—you don’t want it to be too hard or too mushy, and sometimes what looks and feels like a perfect avocado can turn out to be an avocado with mushy brown spots in the center. Maybe the bottom of the avocado felt just right when you pressed on it in the grocery store, but when you got home and cut it open, it’s practically unusable.

Now you can’t create the avocado concoction that you’ve been craving. We feel your pain — it’s happened to the best of us. You could always buy avocados that aren’t ripe, but you’ll have to wait days to cut into it; not to mention putting it in a brown paper bag and checking it every few days.

Fear no more, because we have the grocery store hack that will get you a perfectly ripe avocado every time. Load up on the tortilla chips—all of your guacamole needs will be fulfilled.

To find the perfectly ripe avocado when you go to the grocery store the answer lies beneath the stem. Peel back the stem and this will determine whether the avocado is ripe enough for you to take home. If the color under the stem is green this indicates that the avocado is not ripe yet, if the color under the stem is brown this shows that the avocado is over-ripe, but if the color underneath the stem shows a yellowish tint then you’ve picked the perfect avocado.

Every time you go to the grocery store just pick the avocado with the yellowish hue—that’s the winner. 

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