We are food mind-readers. For example, we know you’re going to butter your celebratory National Waffle Day waffles. Spooky, right? We have a gift.

Ok fine, we’re not psychic. But Finlandia Cheese and Learndipity Data Insights did publish a new infographic today with the findings of a survey that included the waffle preferences of over 2,000 Americans. Of the individuals surveyed, 80% of waffle lovers top their stacks with tabs of butter and let it melt into little pools of buttery goodness. There’s syrup involved too, but you already knew that. We can only assume that the other 20% didn’t use butter ’cause they were making these Waffle Recipes instead.

The study suggests this breakfast concoction is the great uniter across the country. Love of waffles reportedly transcends both socioeconomic strata, with 70% (or higher) of people from each income level surveyed self-reporting a love of waffles, as well as age, with the young (18-24) and young at heart (65+) reporting the highest rates of waffle consumption.

If butter and syrup isn’t your speed, check out these Wacky Waffle Iron Recipes to spice things up a bit (can you say, waffled pizza?).

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