Though a night out has its perks, the morning after certainly doesn’t. And unfortunately for us, an app has not yet been developed to cure hangovers in one fell swoop. 

Two students from Yale, however, are on the right track. The seniors, Margaret Morse and Liam McClintock, developed a remedy for the pain that ensues after a night of heavy partying. Considering the students’ busy schedules (Morse, a biology major, and McClintock, a D1 athlete), the remedy was likely inspired by their own antics. The two brains came together to create a concoction of several supplements (with the added bonus of citrus flavors) that’s meant to be drank before a night of binging on cocktails. As Morse notes, hangovers happen to do a build up of acetaldehyde, electrolyte and vitamin imbalance – AKA, your body is dying for the perfect marriage of supplements to bring it back to life. 

Enter SunUp – a drink packed with 15 natural ingredients that balance glutamine levels and “uplift” your body to prevent vomitting, nausea, and the like. The team has created an Indiegogo page, asking for users to contribute to their effort to end hangovers. “This project aims to launch our patent-pending anti-hangover formula, making it available for retail with professional packaging and flavoring. SunUp has received great feedback from our test panel at Yale and we’d like to make it available to everyone, with your support,” it reads.

If all goes as planned, we may never have to endure another hangover again – which also means putting to rest the hangover cures we’ve been trying (and failing with) for decades.

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