“I could eat this every single day,” some of us say, while indulging in our favorite foods.

Sure, we’ve thought it, but the idea of consuming the same meal over and over again is preposterous for most. However, Washington native Devin Cunningham is an exception.

Last September, Cunningham vowed to eat a Chipotle burrito every single day for one calendar year. (His Instagram feed may as well be an advertising campaign for Chipotle.)

Surprisingly, he’s doing it in the name of health and fitness. Cunningham, a “fitness buff”, is trying to prove that if nutrients are monitored correctly (through a process calling “macroing”), anyone can eat whatever he or she pleases, within reason. To date, he’s consumed the popular Mexican fast food for 314 days, leaving a mere 52 days left on the burrito kick. He has reportedly already lost 25 pounds since starting the new diet. 

Cunningham has kept strict to the plan, despite Chipotle experiencing numerous health violations and safety issues in recent months. Now, that’s dedication! 

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