A few years ago, my husband and I were visiting his Aunt Celia in Davis, California, and she had a pile of fall fruit on her table. I noticed a bright and glossy looking fruit and picked it up. When she saw me looking at it quizzically she told me it was a persimmon. I’d never had one, and the food adventurer in me was excited to try it. I bit into it like an apple and it was love at first bite.

Fast forward about fifteen years: I was standing in the produce aisle at the grocery store when I noticed gorgeous persimmons. Somehow my mind immediately shifted to cocktail hour, and I wondered if tequila and persimmons would play well together. I came to find out they do indeed dance lovingly in a margarita glass! Fall, Halloween, or Dia de los Muertos are the perfect times for serving these unique and vibrant orange persimmon margaritas.