In Latin cooking, there are a few flavors as revered as fresh, authentic cream. In Mexico, authentic crema is a prized ingredient that has become increasingly rare. Served over enchiladas, tacos, or simply fresh fruit, fresh crema (known in French cooking as crème fraiche) is a quick yet sensual trip to heaven. If you have a couple of minutes to spare, you should try making your own crema at home.
Traditionally, cream was skimmed from the top of the milk pail, and placed in a container that was stored in a warm environment. The natural bacteria in the milk would cause the cream to thicken over the course of 24 to 48 hours. The thickened crema would then be removed from the container and served, while the crema container was refilled with fresh cream to begin the process anew.
Natural bacteria is found in all raw milk, and is responsible for the thickening process that turns milk into delicious crema, and cheese. Modern food safety laws require that all milk be pasteurized, which not only destroys harmful bacteria, but the bacteria that thickens crema naturally. Crema from pasteurized cream can successfully be made by reintroducing a bit of an acidifier, such as yogurt, or buttermilk – a process known as culturing.
A good substitute for cream from raw milk is HHST cream, which can be found in some natural grocery stores. UHT (Ultra Heat Treated) heavy whipping cream will not render good results when making your own crema, as it is difficult to culture, so make sure you read the label on the cream you buy when you make your crema. HHST cream has been pasteurized at a lower temperature and retains a bit of its thickening potential. So once you’ve procured what you need (1 cup HHST heavy whipping cream and 2 tablespoons fresh plain yogurt, or buttermilk), here’s what you do:
Pour the cream into a small saucepan then and add the yogurt or buttermilk. While whisking, heat the saucepan on the stove until the mixture reaches 85°F, about 1-2 minutes. Pour the mixture into a clean jar. Store in a warm environment, about 75°F. Your crema should be thickened and ready to use within 24 hours. Store in the refrigerator after 24 hours. And spoon it over … everything.