At last, one Hollywood celebrity has admitted to eating carbs. 

Eva Mendes opened up to Shape about her day-to-day eating plan and workout regimen, and luckily, it’s not an all-green juice diet or other inhumane process. “I try to think of food as fuel for my body,” Mendes said. “I grew up eating rice and beans, so I want some kind of grain in every meal.” That’s no surprise, considering the Cubana grew up in Miami, Florida, where arroz con gandules can be found on just about every street corner.

When it’s not grains, the 43-year-old actress is reaching for ‘lots of protein. For breakfast, it’s usually eggs – which she considers “magic” because of how versatile they are. “But if somebody brings over muffins or some other kind of delicious treat, I’ll eat that with my coffee instead,” she reveals. “It’s a terrible way to begin my day, though. I really regret it later, because I just don’t have as much energy. I find that when I start out with the right source of protein, it definitely helps.”

It’s dinnertime that really interests Mendes, though. “What I am looking forward to is the time when dinner becomes a sit-down situation again. Right now I’m in survival mode with two babies, eating on the go,” she said, on juggling her busy schedule with husband Ryan Gosling.

And then, dessert – because there’s no skimping for this chick. “Sweets are my thing. It’s ongoing, and I have to manage my sugar cravings constantly. I’ve gotten used to having something sweet after every meal.” Phew!


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