Winter hibernation season is approaching – which means big sweaters and even bigger mugs of hot chocolate. But before hopping onto the junk-food train, we want to make a case for yet another healthy ingredient swap. Luckily, this swap suggestion will add even more avocados to your diet.

Related: Awesome Avocado Recipes: 10 Ways to Eat More of What You Love

Mayonnaise is a common ingredient in many American dishes, as seen in many high-calorie side salads and sandwich spreads. The condiment, however, is guilty of having a whole slew of unhealthy and saturated fats, and no nutritional value whatsoever. The beloved avocado, on the other hand, has what we call the “good fats” – also known as, “those that burn fat and leave you fuller longer” – and offers many more nutrients than most other condiments on the shelf.

So, just how can you make the change from mayo to ‘cados? Let’s start by thinking about some of the dishes we’ve been spooning mayo into for years:

As mentioned, side salads such as pasta, potato and tuna offer little nutritional value because of the mayo component. Swap that out in place of avocado, however, and it’s a whole new game. Instead of whipping up a traditional tuna salad, put it in an avocado – like in this Reina Palta Atún recipe. No mayo, no problem.

The second mayo culprit: sandwiches. Finding an alternative for mayo on a sandwich may seem tricky, but avocado is the perfect substitute – with its creamy consistent, thick texture, and ability to fill your stomach with the fiber its looking for. Try this Shrimp Po’ Boy with Avocado Mayo. The spread on this sandwich is made of olive oil, Dijon mustard, lemon juice and ripe avocados, of course.

A small (yet delicious) swap such as this can help keep some added inches off the waistline for winter. Want more? See our healthy milk alternatives and sugar substitutes

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